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Proficiency Overall Remains Low: Lowest Performers Show Greatest Improvement;

Grade 8 Remains Flat; Grade 4 Increases, While Grade 12 Declines Since 1994

The National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) has just released The Nation’s Report Card: Geography 2010. The report presents results of the 2010 National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP).

Sample question:

Which of the following is an accurate statement
about the American Southwest?
a. Alternating areas of dense shrubbery and sand
dunes often make travel difficult.
b. Arid conditions make access to water an
important public issue.
c. Generally fair weather means that most people
rely on solar energy in their homes and
d. Easy access to Mexico has led to a strong
manufacturing sector.

Fewer than one-third of the nation’s students achieve at or above the Proficient level in geography. Although fourth graders made gains in achievement since 2001, The Nation’s Report Card: Geography 2010 shows that performance by eighth graders remained flat, and achievement by twelfth graders declined from 1994.

In fact, on the seemingly easy question shown here, only 33 percent of all eighth-grade students who took the assessment correctly answered “b.” The geography report card, released on the heels of report cards in civics and U.S. history, adds to a picture of stagnating or declining overall achievement among U.S. students in the social sciences. “In particular, the pattern of disappointing results for our twelfth graders’ performance across all three social science subjects should be of great concern to everyone,” said David P. Driscoll, chairman of the National Assessment Governing Board, which sets policy for NAEP.

Do you know eighth-grade geography?

Although there were few increases overall, improvements were made in the percentage of students in the lowest-performing group. Scores for students at the 10th percentile were higher than in 1994 for all grades. Among fourth graders, who posted the largest gains, the score at the 10th percentile increased by 23 points since 1994. In another positive trend, some gaps in achievement narrowed between racial/ethnic groups. “We are encouraged by the gains being made by our nation’s fourth graders and in the scores of the lowest performers, however, we are concerned that our students are not doing better in geography,” Driscoll said. “Geography is not just about maps. It is a rich and varied discipline that, now more than ever, is vital to understanding the connections between our global economy, environment, and diverse cultures.”

In one timely question, for instance, eighth-grade students were asked to look at a map of tectonic plates near Japan and explain the process that causes earthquakes there. Only 48 percent of students provided a complete and accurate response: earthquakes are caused by the collision of these plates. The responses of 33 percent of eighth graders indicated they had no understanding of the relationship between tectonic plates and earthquakes.

The geography framework includes both content and cognitive skills dimensions. The content dimension includes questions about space and place, which measure students’ knowledge of particular places on Earth, spatial patterns on the Earth’s surface and processes that shape spatial patterns; environment and society, which measure students’ knowledge of how people change and are changed by the natural environment; and spatial dynamics and connections, which measures students’ understanding

Major findings from the 2010 report include:

• In comparison to the last assessment in 2001, average scores in 2010 were higher at grade 4 and not significantly different at grades 8 and 12.

• Gains for Black students from 1994 to 2010 contributed to a narrowing of the White–Black score gaps at grades 4 and 8.

• Gains for Hispanic students from 1994 to 2010 contributed to a narrowing of the White–Hispanic score gap at grade 4.

• The percentage of students performing at or above the Proficient level in 2010 was 21 percent at grade 4, 27 percent at grade 8, and 20 percent at grade 12.

More information and sample questions.