Today, Thursday, May 26th, Commissioner Jack Buckley, National Center for Education Statistics, released The Condition of Education 2011 along with The Condition in Brief. The 50 indicators presented in The Condition of Education 2011 provide a progress report on education in America and include findings on the demographics of American schools, U.S. resources for schooling, and outcomes associated with education.
Report findings include:
• In 2007-08, about three-quarters of the 2003-04 freshman class graduated with a regular diploma from public high schools.
• From 2000 to 2009, undergraduate enrollment in postsecondary institutions increased from 13 million students to 18 million. During this period, undergraduate enrollment in private for-profit institutions quadrupled – from 0.4 million students in 2000 to 1.6 million in 2009.
• Between 1975 and 2010, the percentages of White, Black and Hispanic 25- to 29-year-olds who had a bachelor’s degree increased. Yet, during this period, the gap in bachelor’s degree attainment between Blacks and Whites increased from 13 to 19 percentage points, and the gap between Whites and Hispanics increased from 15 to 25 percentage po
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