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This new report from the Strengthening Science Education in California initiative reveals that students have little access to high quality science education in California elementary schools. Intense pressure to meet accountability goals in mathematics and English has limited time for science, and teachers and schools do not have the infrastructure needed to consistently provide students with quality science learning opportunities.

The report's findings are based on the results of a statewide study of science education conducted in 2010 and 2011 among teachers, principals and school district leaders in California, as well as analysis of secondary data and case studies in selected school districts.

The study was commissioned by the Center for the Future of Teaching and Learning at WestEd and conducted by the Lawrence Hall of Science at the University of California, Berkeley and SRI International.

Specifically, the report finds that:

- 40 percent of elementary teachers say they spend 60 minutes or less teaching science each week.
- One-third of elementary teachers say they feel prepared to teach science.
- 85 percent of teachers say they have not received any professional development in science during the last three years.
- Nine in ten principals say science education is very important and should start early.
- Less than half of principals (44%) believe it is likely that a student would receive high-quality science instruction in his or her school.

The report also includes recommendations to assist educators and policymakers in efforts to strengthen science education in California. The recommendations call for an immediate review and revision of the state's educational accountability systems, the restoration of a full and balanced curriculum, including science, for every student, and the establishment of adequate resource allocation and support systems needed to ensure high quality science learning experiences. The recommendations also encourage local school districts to make quality science education a priority.