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The State of Learning Disabilities: Facts, Trends and Indicators
provides the authoritative national and state-by-state snapshot of learning disabilities (LD) in the United States, and their impact on the ability of students and adults to achieve educational success and employment. This publication also clarifies what a learning disability is and explains the common misperceptions associated with LD.

In the U.S.

The U.S. Survey of Income and Program Participation survey shows the LD prevalence rate among the U.S. population (ages 6 and older) to be 1.8%, totaling 4.67 million Americans.

Males are much more likely to have acknowledged learning disabilities than females.
The unemployment rate for those with LD was twice that of those without LD

In the Schools

Increasing the graduation rate of students with LD and reducing the dropout rate are among the many pressing issues for these students.

Students with LD experience disciplinary actions at a much higher rate than those without LD.
2.5 million American public school students identified with LD as eligible under IDEA.