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The Nation's Report Card presents results of the 2009 National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) in reading and mathematics at grade 12 for students in the nation and, for the first time, in the 11 states that volunteered to participate in the 2009 state pilot program..

Highlights of the results include:

* The overall average reading score for 12th graders was 2 points higher than in 2005, but 4 points lower than in 1992.

* There were no significant changes from 1992 to 2009 in the reading score gaps between White and Black students or between White and Hispanic students.

* In mathematics, the overall average score was 3 points higher in 2009 than in 2005.

* There was no significant change from 2005 in the mathematics score gaps between White and Black students or between White and Hispanic students.

* The percentage of 12th graders who expect to graduate from college increased from 58 percent in 2005 to 60 percent in 2009.

* In the 11 participating states, average reading scores in seven states were higher than the score for the nation, and scores for three states were lower; in mathematics, the average scores for six states were higher than the nation, and scores for three states were lower.